You are a loan warrior in a grim world of vicious battles and glorious conquests. You fight for sport in the Arena, facing many horrible and ferrocious opponents. There's only one rule that need be abided by: kill or be killed!
You begin by creating a character ('New' from the 'File' menu). A window will appear with several possible visages of your character and his/her current statistics (and yes, as with most games, higher is better). Keep re-rolling until your heart is content, click the done button when you are satisfied and name the little bugger. Now you're ready for the best hack-n-slash you've ever played.
When you begin, it is advisable that you first purchase armour (from The Armoury) and a weapon (from The Weaponsmith). Having done this you may choose your first opponent from the 'Opponents' menu.
ABBREVIATIONS: For those of you familiar with the Warhammer™ system, the abbreviations will be known to you. For those new to this style of Fantasy Role-Playing, 'ere ya go:
#d#: multiple dice. (ie 2d4 = 2 4-sided dice; 3d6 = 3 6-sided dice; 5d8 = 5 8-sided dice, etc.). The dice are totaled to produce a final dice score.
WS: Weapon Skill
S: Strength
T: Toughness
W: Wounds
I: Initiative
A: Attacks
Cl: Cool
WP: Will Power
XP: Experience Points
AP: Armour Points
Characteristics describe your character in a mathmatical form (but you don't need to know math, just which number is higher, yours or your opponents!). This makes for easier, faster game play.
WEAPON SKILL (WS): Your ability to fight with hand-held weapons; efficiency in battle. (think of it as a percentage; it's always compared to d100). Average is 30.
STRENGTH (S): This measures the limit of your character's physical strength. When used in combat it is added to the weapons damage bonus plus d6 to determine the amount of damage delivered. Average is 3.
TOUGHNESS (T): This is how much physical punishment your body can withstand before suffering severe damage. This number is added to your Armour Points (see Armour), and subtracted from your opponents combined (S + weapon damage bonus). Average is 3.
WOUNDS (W): This represents just how much severe damage your body can withstand. Damage caused by an opponent which passes through armour and T is subtracted from this score. When it goes below 0 you're dead. Average is 6.
INITIATIVE (I): Represents your reflexes and reaction time. (think of it as a percentage; it's always compared to d100). Average is 30.
ATTACKS (A): The number of times per combat round that you can attack. Average is 1.
COOL (Cl): Your ability to remain calm in stressful, crazy situations. (think of it as a percentage; it's always compared to d100). Average is 35.
WILL POWER (WP): This characteristic measures your character's magical and mental resistance. (think of it as a percentage; it's always compared to d100). Average is 30.
While fighting opponents your character gains insights on monster weaknesses and recognises his/her own weak points. In order to take advantage of this knowledge, the character must consult an expert and practice (in the Training Hall).
After defeating an opponent you'll receive gold and Experience Points for your blood and sweat. XP are used in training. Once you've gained enough experience points you may go to the Training Hall and advance one or more of your characteristics. 300 experience points will